
I remember that the historians were the top dogs in the first Hungarian Parliament after the political change-over. As my father is one of the most well-known history teachers in the country, so I was taught to respect history, that is why I addressed only a moderate criticism to that fact that the political change-over, our Prime Minister, J¨®zsef Antal was also a historian, who had to lead a system changing government, which had nowhere and never been tried out with the help of the poorly measured knowledge of economics. It occurred to me several times that besides all my respect, the presence of the historians was ¡°overweight¡± in comparison with the tasks waiting for us. I often felt the lack of the so-called technocrat experts.
Well, twelve years hardly passed, and I am uttering that there is not a single historian in the Hungarian Government. Only the narrow-minded people and those, who know only their own profession are in our cabinet. Nobody cries out, or talks to the Prime Minister at least below his breath that he should think of the exhibition of the National Museum opening in two hundred years. There will be the relic of one of the determinant moments of the Hungarian history, namely the document of accession of Hungary to the European Union in the center place of the signers at the moment of signing. Namely, they will be there only partly. There will be an authentic contract of accession. There will be the pictures of the signers at the moment of signing. The two original signatures of the Hungarian signers will be on the document. There will be a pen used for the signature of the former Hungarian Prime Minister. .. And the national relic belonging to the signature of the former Hungarian Foreign Minister will not be there (!) because the former Hungarian Government did not have a better idea how to assure a support of 5-10 million forints for the first Hungarian roma radio, which is worthy of the support in my opinion as well and which has financial problems!
To be honest, I hardly believed my ears when I heard the idea. I recalled the moments which had happened a thousand years ago. What would have happened, if Stephan had decided after the coronation that the crown was important, the scepter was important, so they had to be kept for the future, but the ball was not so important therefore, it could have been given away for a noble aim about that time, for example, for a horse! The contemporary chronicler¡¯s description about the gift would be in the place of the ball!
I am going to take part in the auction. I am going to buy the pen if it is possible so that it can be put its own place in the National Museum. I will go for all that, the pen would not be sold for an unworthy price among our national treasures. I am sorry for having limited opportunities, since I can not dispose of the most significant part of my life earnings today, because it is inaccessible as long as the court of justice does not say my truth. However, the auction can not wait, it will be held in a few days! So, we shall see!
20. May, 2003. ¨C The auction was held, and our national relic was taken!
The auction is over. The bidder, who bid the most, took our national relic for about four million forints. Today the pen started its worthy and literary making path of life. Even if the pen will not be in the glass-case, which shows our national relics, at the exhibition in two hundred years, but instead there must be a description certified by the well-known historians of the era, and it will show what had happened to the pen in the past two hundred years, who had possessed it, and how it had wandered from hand to hand, etc.
It is also possible that a good thing happened today, and the pen will be in the museum, but contrary to its ¡°partner¡±, which has been in the glass-case of the museum for two hundred years, a long and a lot more interesting story will belong to the former pen of the ¡°foreign minister¡± until a noted benefactor will not buy it back and will not give it to the National Museum!