During my career I often met people who – otherwise having big knowledge – I felt were different from me and I was seized by a bad feeling talking to them. It took a long time to me to recognize the reason of my aversion. I already know that the thing that I felt repulsion for in the case of most of them was their relation to their own set of values. It was not easy to recognize these thoughts. The things delivered during our professional or even general discussions or the listening to their speeches, the reading of their writings could stay within those bounds – even for years – where the delivered thoughts stood really close to me, only the terminology was a little strange, that is all.
The perception always came unexpectedly. It was an uninteresting debate, a ministerial answer, a private letter that showed me that this person’s personality really stood very far from me. A man who I could respect before for having own recognizable set of values, consistent thoughts, even outstanding knowledge. The trouble begins and end also ends when the one forming his own set of values obliges not only himself to adopt it but also expects others to follow his opinion without any critiques!
This behavior might be called vocation, might be called stubbornness, or bigoted opinion, but to me this self-notion mostly belongs to the extremists. These people existed in all ages, could be found in all professions, their existence is limited neither to age-group nor to sex or education. I do not like them even if their names are connected to many scientific discovery in science, world-famous works of art, self-denial referring to human greatness in history too. True enough that in the position of power or ruling it was these people who sent researches to a dead-end for years, made the people of different opinion be harassed and the most of the unleashing of the wars were connected to these people too. In the extreme way of thinking it is of no significance whether the concerned ones are extreme nationalists, leftists or the forcible representatives of their religious affiliation. It is their natural character to disclaim their bigot character even to themselves because they are pledged to their own faith too, so this way they are convinced democrats in politics. I really had been terrified many times listening to the speeches in the Parliament, paying attention to the MPs who declared themselves Christians but stoned others in their speeches and expelled their critics from among them. I wonder whether they have read the „Ten Commandments” at all?! And had they understood these commandments if they had read them?
Géza Jeszenszky’s speeches in the early 90’s only disturbed me. Later I felt I did not like this man, maybe I found him insincere. Now I think I was wrong in his case too. Géza Jeszenszky believes in what he says, he is pledged to his thoughts. But the nature of his pledge is detrimental. Detrimental, but not illegal until he does not have means, office and function to represent his own opinion forcibly. But his actions will become even illegal if (becoming a public functionary) he transgresses the law for the sake of his conviction on the basis of the well-known principle „the end justifies the means”. It is detrimental and violates the law if he makes an untrue declaration about the selling of weapons as foreign minister (February 1991), then discredits our country by his assignment with „I can do anything because I have a responsible assignment” (Austria, December 1993) or „I can incite hostility by speaking plainly or in a private letter” (December 1990, November 1999).
I am concerned that (though his principles stand much closer to me than those of for example István Csurka) Géza Jeszenszky is just as unsuited to be civil servant, minister or ambassador of a democratic country as the leader of the home extreme right.

My final note: Viktor Orbán hold the above-written opinion of Géza Jeszenszky in the September of 1990, he claimed his replacement because of his inaptitude. Even to his own mind, Géza Jeszenszky -probably- has not changed since then. Géza Jeszenszky is the ambassador of our country in the United States assigned by Viktor Orbán. If Géza Jeszenszky has not changed then is it perhaps Viktor Orbán’s set of values what has altered?