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Történelmi esélyt adott az Európai Uniónak Orbán vétója

Orbán Viktor egyik kedvenc szófordulata mostanában, hogy „az Európai Uniót nem azért hoztuk létre ……”. Nem árt tudni ilyenkor, hogy az 1993. november 1-én létrejött Európai Unió alapításához, az alapítók akaratához a magyaroknak, és így Orbán Viktornak sem volt – sajnos – semmi közünk, hasonlóan a többi csatlakozó országhoz. Ezért kizárólag az alapítóknak (Németország, Franciaország, Olaszország, Hollandia, Belgium és Luxemburg) van morális joguk ahhoz, hogy kijelentsék, hogy Ők az Uniót nem azon nemtelen érdekek segítése érdekében hozták létre, amelyeket a magyar és a lengyel kormányfő képvisel, hanem éppen azon politikai fellépések tagadására. Orbán Viktorral szemben az őt leginkább bíráló holland miniszterelnöknek valóban megvan a morális alapja ahhoz, hogy az általuk alapított szövetséghez Magyarország 1994. április 1-én nyújtotta be csatlakozási szándékát azzal, hogy vállalja az ország jogrendjének átalakítását úgy, hogy az megfeleljen az Alapítók által megfogalmazott céloknak.

Magyarország ekkor elismerte, hogy az ország nemzeti jogrendje nem felel meg az Unió alapértékeinek, de vállalta, hogy azt átalakítja, mert számára az Unió alapértékei olyanok, amelyek a magyar emberek számára jobbak és követendőbbek, mint amivel a nemzeti jogrendszerünk rendelkezett. A nemzeti jogrendszer átalakítása nem volt kis feladat, Magyarországnak ehhez tíz évre volt szüksége, így Magyarország a csak a csatlakozási kérelmének időpontját követően, tíz évvel később 2004. május 1-én csatlakozhatott az Európai Unióhoz. A csatlakozással Magyarország kijelentette, hogy a jogrendszerét hozzáigazította az Unió alapértékeihez és vállalta, hogy a változtatásokat meg is őrzi.

Az Orbán rendszer jogalkotását az Európai Unió az elmúlt tíz évében egyszer sem azért kritizálta, mert nem akart újabb és újabb változtatásokat végrehajtani a 2004-ben vállalt kötelezettségein felül, hanem minden kritika, eljárás alapja az volt, és ma is az, hogy az Orbán kormány jogalkotása ellentétes a 2004-ben aláírt vállalásával, és olyan belső jogrendet alakít ki, amely mellett 2004-ben Magyarország csatlakozását az Európai Unió elutasította volna. Ez azt is jelenti, hogy az Orbán kormány az elmúlt tíz évben folyamatosan megszegi az általa aláírt csatlakozási szerződést, megszegi, megszünteti azoknak az értékeknek a védelmét a nemzeti jogrendünkben, amelyek feltételei voltak a csatlakozásunknak.

Orbán Viktor tehát úgy gondolja, hogy semmi morális probléma nincsen azzal, ha Ő jelentkezik, kérelmet terjeszt elő egy tagállami szövetégbe azzal, hogy annak értékeivel Ő teljesen azonosul, majd amikor belülre kerül, akkor előáll azzal, hogy azok, akik elfogadták a kérelmét, húzódjanak a háttérbe és Ő majd az alapítók szándékával szembemenve átalakítja a szövetséget olyanná, ami neki kedves, ami kiszolgálja a hatalmi törekvéseit.

Nem igazán érthető a számomra, hogy az alapítók és azok, akik valóban az alapítók értékei mentén akartak csatlakozni egy tagállami szövetséghez, ezt miért hagyják immár tíz éve. A tény azonban az, hogy az aktuális társadalmi, gazdasági problémák mellett ezt többnyire hagyták. Tény az is, hogy az egyes tagállamok kormányzásaiban időről-időre bekövetkező váltások során nem ritkán fordul elő, hogy valamely tagállami kormánynak egy vagy több olyan kérdést, amit Orbán Viktor képvisel, a saját érdekei szerintinek vélt, így számára kevésbé volt zavaró az, amit lát, ezért a „megfelelő” fellépést még nem tartotta időszerűnek. Tény az is, hogy bár a Lengyelországban zajló folyamatok sok tekintetben jelentősen mások, mint ami Magyarországon zajlik, de az Unió értékeivel való szembefordulás területén a két ország vezetői jól egymásra találtak. A két ország vezetői kihasználva az Alapítók azon tévedését, hogy széles körben, így a szavazati jog megvonása terén is a teljes egyetértés szükségességét határozták meg, kölcsönös védelmet ígértek meg egymásnak. 

Szükség is volt rá, mert az Európai Parlament 2017. májusában nagy többséggel, Magyarországgal szemben utasította az illetékes szakbizottságát, hogy készítsen különjelentést, amelyben felszólította a kormányok döntéshozó fórumát az EU szerződés 7. cikkének megfelelő eljárás megindítására, majd 2017. novemberében ugyanezt tette Lengyelországgal szemben.

A történelmi esély

Bár az EU tagállamok többségénél mindig meg volt az akarat ahhoz, hogy megszavazza Magyarország és Lengyelország elmarasztalását, de eddig sosem volt meg a két érintett tagállamon kívüli teljes körben ehhez az akarat, ezért ezt máig sosem tették fel szavazásra.

Magyarország és Lengyelország máig úgy értelmezi a jogi elvárást, hogy bármelyikük esetében, a másik országgal szembeni marasztaláshoz szükség lesz az Ő szavazatukra, így egymást meg tudják védeni. Nem célom ebben az írásban a jog boncolgatása, de azért leírom, hogy nem okozna komoly kihívást a marasztalás mellett állást foglaló országoknak, hogy akár magából az európai jogból levezessék, hogy miként nem tudnák egymást „megvédeni”, de a jog kicsit leegyszerűsített ismeretére utal, hogy ebben bíznak.

Mind Magyarország kormánya, mind Lengyelország kormánya már régen tett annyit az Unió alapértékeinek megsértése terén, hogy a 7. cikk szerinti legsúlyosabb szankció, a szavazati jog megvonása indokolt legyen, de ebben eddig nem volt meg a szükséges támogatottság. Magyarország és Lengyelország bejelentett vétója azonban egy történelmi esélyt adott a többi tagállam kezébe!

A költségvetéssel összefüggő, a tagállamokat megillető vétójog célja a tagállami szerződésekben nyilvánvalóan nem az, hogy azt bármely tagállam arra használja fel, hogy bár a költségvetést magát elfogadná, de valamely más eljárásban, ahol a szerződés szerint többségi szavazás van, ott a kisebbségi álláspontját kényszerítse rá a többiekre azzal, hogy ha nem fogadják ezt el, akkor a számukra fontos költségvetés során fog vétóval élni.

Egy ilyen magatartás a joggal való visszaélés ugyanis oly mértékben megy szemben az Unió szerződésével, hogy csak ez önmagában is megalapozza a 7. cikk legsúlyosabb szankciójának tárgysorozatba vételét, majd alkalmazását és annak is nagy az esélye, hogy ezt minden tagállam megérti és el is fogadja. Amennyiben az Unió most nem tekinti a magyar és lengyel vétó belengetését a 7. cikk legsúlyosabb megsértéséhez kapcsolt szankció alkalmazását megalapozó tagállami jogsértésnek, akkor az Unió egy olyan tagállami magatartás előtt nyitja meg az utat, amelyben bármely tagállam megteheti majd, hogy bármely „csak” többségi támogatást igénylő döntésben, ha kisebbségben marad, ezt a fellépést sikeres mintaként alkalmazhatja majd.

A 7. cikk soron kívüli elővétele és a legsúlyosabb szankció, a szavazati jog megvonásának alkalmazása után, semmi akadálya nem lenne a következő költségvetés elfogadásának és annak sem, hogy a jövőre nézve újragondolják az egyhangú támogatást igénylő kérdések körét, és azt egyhangú akarattal akár újra is szabályozhatnák.

Azt persze én nem tudom, hogy az itt leírtakat felismerik-e az Unió értékeinek megőrzésében érdekelt tagállamok és uniós szervezetek, de abban biztos vagyok, hogy ez ma egy történelmi esély, amellyel élhetnének. Abban is biztos vagyok, hogy amennyiben nem él vele a tagállami többség és a magyar valamint a lengyel kormány akarata bármilyen kis mértékben is, de érvényesül, úgy az komoly gondokat fog okozni a Unió jövőjében.

Orbán Viktor és a lengyel kollégája Mateusz Morawieczki 19-re lapot húzott. Én bízom benne, hogy nem lesz szerencséjük. Tudom, hogy az Unió tagállamainak még sok más lehetősége is van, lenne arra, hogy a két kormányfő zsarolását visszautasítva érvényesítse akaratát, vagy inkább úgy kellene fogalmaznom, hogy a jogait. Ez nem csupán az Unió egészének tenne jót, hanem meggyőződése, hogy a magyar és a lengyel társadalomnak is ez az érdeke.

Magyar emberként végtelenül szégyenkezem, amikor azt kell hallgatnom, hogy a magyarok tiltakoznak azért, mert az Unióba tömörült tagállamok elvárják a magyar kormánytól, hogy tartsa be az alapvető emberi jogokat, hagyja működni a demokratikus intézményeket, a független bíróságokat, biztosítsa a sajtószabadságot, a közpénz tartsa meg közpénz jellegét, se közpénzből, se más módon ne hozzon létre oligarchákat önmaga támogatására, ne lehetetlenítse el a független választásokat, stb.

Palotás János

2020. november 19.

Endangered sportsmen, domineered bureaucrats at the world of sport!



Sportmen are mainly people, they have got basic human rights and this might not belong to the sport business!

Sport’s lovers have lucky period nowadays. Soon they could enjoy the Olympics race. Championship’s matches in Dutch – Belgian organisation offer great sport experience. Today evening we could keep our fingers crossed to Istvan Kovacs, who will fight for the title Champion of Europe. Maybe we don’t realise during the” great importance sport news” the “small news” which contains calumniation of sportsmen accuse them of doping. In opinion of those persons who has to make decisions about health of sportsmen, they used that kind of medicine containing effective substances which are “not allowed.

I would like to note that I acknowledge primary importance of sport – health relationship, which require determined manner behaviour in interest of sportsmen and sport.

At the same time we could not support exaggerations, extreme announcements and autotelism. We may represent things in that way that we will reach the opposite and not our original aim. We could range here several cases: when children’s suicide’s reason was the excessive mother’s loves, million of people were killed by all word religion and thousand of people usually die because of love affairs. The number of examples we may show through a lot of pages. The reason why I thought important to say about this matter: that international behaviour against doping not means my support on connection with the freedom of using dope.

Several cases actually I think inadmissible and dangerous namely when the use of medicine (which is demonstrably cause the recovery) is forbidden. In these cases rolls change as ensuring of sport clarity are more important than recovery of sportsmen’s health. In principal we might say nowadays an acceptable reason using of those medicines which don’t contain forbidden effective substances. Although this is restriction which can danger the nominees.

Restriction in the one of the basic human rights – the right to health –in case of sport even! Assurance of basic human rights should be that naturally that the roll of Constitution in democratic countries. We may list lot of decisions of Constitutional Court where the judges refuse central will with explainement: “ Intention is clear, but method of implementation intervenes in basic rights. If this will realised at practice it will considerably restrict the success of human rights in purpose of less securited society. “ These declarations usually announced that government have to find less simple and whether more costly technical solution to reach their aim without restriction of basic rights. Although I am not a doctor but science’s today’s level might buttressing in case of forming suspicions about somebody’s dope – would be definable in the way of getting drug into sportsmen’s body –rather it needs more costly and complicated procedure. We also could make decisions that effective substances got into sportsmen’s body through of medicine e. g. the nominee were really ill? Probably other effective substances of medicine are also known and proportion of objectionable component too. Indexes of quantities and subsequent statements of named illness’ physique’s alterations are also known.

I believe that sportsmen’s – suffering from serious illness – main task not the engagement in races especially if they use considerable quality medicine with drastically effective substances. So they can not participate in racing during their illness and when they will race again they can not reference to using medicines containing dope substances or in other way this supposition might be out of the question.

Those medicines which using is allowed by doctors never contain that quality of effective substances, which can endanger health of sportsmen or clarity of the race. Medicines using and permitting at circulation going through on that strict permission procedure which itself decreasing risk factor. More important to find another solution to protect clarity of sport and protect sportmen of harmful effects. This aim can’t give reason restriction in choosing medicines (which really help in their recovering) for ill sportsmen. In these cases the only one who can choose is the doctor. He has to choose that medicine which affection is the best for recovering!

Expectation to the ill people – bring a table on his neck to inform surrounding people about his condition – not only illegal but also senseless. Simply we could not restrict doctors in their help for recovering sportsmen or condemn sportsmen using medicine in his own interest of recovering!

In uncertain cases we may use the basic law of democratic legal comprehension in sense of punishable only that person, against who there is an evidence. “Power” can never shift evidence compulsion to the publicity. At nearly one third of my life when I was sportsmen, trainer, games master – sport was determined me. That is why inhuman unconcern so shocking for me. When international sport’s association’s make decisions against excellent sportsmen. I would like to mention Tibor Benedek , our excellent water-polo player who had been forbidden in the beginning for 8 month because of effective substances of that ointment which he had used for his dermatitis. Later his forbidding was reduced for 3 month, than it was up to 15, and after all it was reduced for 8 month. Measure of punishment was depending on the next conditions: whether was our interest important enough to get participating him e.g. on European Championship, which degree of importance the following international meeting had got. Zsolt Varga is hoping now that because of the medicine, which he used for his flue, he might participate on the Olympic Games or not. This matter’s spiciness that he had to accept that legal rule- according to which he despairs of checking trial “B” – acknowledge all facts in case that he may spend his punishment before the Olympics Games. This enforcement against all basic rights, it force him confess his “guiltiness” despair of his rights to avoid bigger unfairness.

I’m convinced that is not so far the news, when sportsman, who rebels against the self-motivated sport organisation’s advice will meet a lawyer office, which prefer his calling. This will be the beginning of the first action at law, where the plaintiff will be the sportsman and the defendant is any kind of roll-changed and domineering international sport association. The subject of lawsuit will be the endangering of sportsman’ s health and compensation because of some illegal decisions. I believe in the win of sportsman and this might be instructive for many people.

It was not long time ago, when European Court repealed European sports association’s prescriptions , based on those “traditions”, that in national championships of EU countries only given number of other players( who are also EU citizens) may participate in teams. So- called Jean- Marc Bosman case like a concrete case had influence for all kind of sport. Court’s decisions announce that according to EU “constitutional principles” EU’s citizens have the basic right to decide where they intend to live, work, undertake or play sports. That interest of any national sport associations that at national championships have to participate residents of that Country with majority may understandable according to tradition but number limit bellow restrict the EU’s citizens basic rights and this law restriction is unacceptable. Sport associations could hardly believe to their eyes when they saw this judgement. They had to realise that their power is limited, sportsmen first of all people, who have human basic rights and this is already not a part of the sport business.

It would be really fair if realised the daily oppositions not the sportmen have to turn to international court forums, and they have not wait for the case when a sportmen suffer damage evidently because of this regulation. Profession of sports doctors and international sport associations are should thinking through their opinion.

26.06.2000. Budapest

János Palotás


The Olympic Games opening today in Sydney!


A hint as you can expect from me!

Subsequently statements starting ½I knew½ can be made. I can see it now that the Olympics will be successful for the Hungarian sport. I expect twelve Olympic gold medals but I would not be astonished if we won 13-14!

Supposedly, during the next few weeks crowds of people will be ½forced½ to sit in front of the television screen by the various Olympic sport events. Owing to the time-difference it can be taken for granted that as a result of night commentaries we will come across a lot of sleepy people. It is a happy period for sportsfans but not only for them. The number of people watching the events of the Olympic Games is known to be fifteen-twenty times more than the number of regular spectators of different sport competitions.

Businessmen, company executives and those who want to settle a matter in this period in the maze of bureaucracy are not so lucky. During the Olympic Games, a temporary recession in economic performance can even reach a measurable level and the number of arranged public administrarion issues and judgements passed at court are decreasing. There is a perceptible fall concerning capacity and efficiency of work as at the time of summer holidays. Mentioning these problems, however, does not imply a counter-argument against the Olympics! The general experience is that individuals, enterprises, economy, and public administration have the flexibility and reserves to make up for lost time within a few weeks, to work off the losses made during the competitions.

I am convinced that mankind do need the Olympic games! We need it because each of us has only one life, which we must live to the full. We should regularly get out of daily routine (eating, sleeping, working, etc.) and have to do something else, something characteristic of being human (friendship, love, hobbies, travelling, culture, sport, etc.). Whichever of these we choose and do, it makes our lives, more beautiful, better and mainly fuller.

Now let´s support the Hungarian sportsmen and sportswomen. Let´s support them to make their dreams come true to take part in the competitions of the queen of sports at the highest possible level. Probably, it is true for all of us that when taking up a sport, it seemed unbelievably distant but perhaps one of the nicest hopes to participate in one of the Olympics as a sportsman. They are there now and probably their dreams have ½grown stronger½. Now, their dreams are about reaching the finals and becoming a medallist or scoring for the competition of the countries. Hopefully, for most of them it is about winning and becoming an Olympic champion. It would be good if there were as many Hungarian spectators as possible who could really feel the spirit of the Olympic Games and who can also be keen supporters of other nations´ sportsmen and be happy when seeing outstanding human achievements.

And what about Hungary´s chances? .. I feel for sure that we can be optimistic during the Olympics and we will have great pleasures during the following weeks. I would also be glad if, according to the official announcements, Hungary won five-six gold medals. However, being an optimist and following the daily events, I expect the chances of Olympic medals are better. I would not be surprised and I would consider it a deserved success if the Hungarian kayak-canoe team itself took four-six gold medals. I expect more than one gold medals from our swimmers and we also have our water-polo players, some excellent athletes and many others.

In the points competition of the countries we will surely be in one of the first fifteen places, which is remarkable considering the size of Hungary. It is not usual to proportionate the result to the population of countries but I will do it after the competitions. In the light of this, I can even imagine Hungary´s being in one of the first three places in Sydney! … So all we have to do is to support and encourage our sportsmen because its effect reaching out thousands of kilometres is unquestionable.

Among these lofty thoughts, I do not want to write about the separation of some branches of sport from the obvious values of sport or about taking illegal drugs, which is harmful to health or about constant bureaucratic distortions in connection with the fight against it. However, there could be a lot to write about it as China kept nearly thirty of its sportsmen formerly entered for the Olympics at home because they learned that there will be more developed drug-tests in Australia than it had been expected. My opinion about this topic can be read in one of my previous articles „Endangered sportmen, domineered bureaucrats at the world of sport!”

Finally, I have a comment to make which is not related to the above-mentioned topics but is about us, Hungarians. At the moment of writing, I am watching the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. It is luxurious and the whole world is celebrating. Today and the following days, Australia seems to wish to show its grandeur. The breathtaking spectacle, moving of the crowd, high-technology could even cost/amount to ten-hundred thousand million dollars. The organisers make almost every kind of information public but they do not reveal the costs of the ceremony. They say ½the world should consider it as Australia´s present½. Nobody is very inquisitive about it just enjoys what he can see. Perhaps nobody asked the organisers about the expenses and they declared the above ½without any questions½. It would be possible if at the competitions only the developed countries´ability of rejoicing was at present. A lot of people – we Hungarians as well- have to learn how to be delighted at beauty while being unworried. Unfortunately, seeing this splendour, in our and most of our journalists´s head the question arises: ½how much did it cost, who supported it, who benefited a lot from them (us)?½ Therefore there were certainly people asking questions and the Australian answer was given for them. … In fact, owing to these differences, the Olympic Games are held in Australia and that is why the plan of the Expo failed in Hungary in 1996!

While they already understand it, we are yet in the period of learning that we have to separate the costs of living our every-day lives and the costs of living a fuller and more superior life.

Budapest, 15 September, 2000

János Palotás

Colorful news from the world of the Hungarian sport


In this column I would like to shortly comment upon the so-called „little news” of the world of sport from my point of view and a bit differently. I put every writing separated from each other with title and date, and the newest writings will always be put on the top, under this introductory. This way by reading the first writing you had seen before you would know that all the following lines had been read by you before. On the other hand, dear reader, you can also read the earlier writings again if you would like to.

October 12, 1999 – European Football Championship in Portugal in 2004

Unfortunately I was not wrong. According to the verdict Portugal can organize the European Championship in 2004. I am sorry about it but it would make me forget my bad feeling of today if Hungary would be there in Portugal by not the right of the organizer any more but by the right of its own following the successful qualifying rounds. Many of us feel the same about it, do not we?!

October 6, 1999 – European Football Championship in 2004

On the 12th of October the board of directors of the European football association will decide which of the three applicants can organize the European Football Championship in 2004. In his optimistic publications the Hungarian sport management daily states that the Austrian-Hungarian application is the most successful. The other two applicants are Spain and Portugal. Of course today I cannot tell what the final verdict will be. But I can imagine how the debate of the board will take place before the vote.

During the Hungarian reasons the mentioning of the Austrian-Hungarian world fair cancelled by the Hungarians barely one and a half years before the world fair will probably have a positive effect. The Hungarian football is placed in the hindmost third of Europe. The new management of the Hungarian sport association started its work with a debt of many hundred-millions and because of this all of its energy will probably be consumed by working it off in the following years. Close upon 40% of the members of the association still feels that the government removed the former president, supported by them, „by force” and for this reason they thought that the new management was pledged to the government. In the budget of the Hungarian government there is no reserved cover for the European Championship intended. The dismissed and elected president of the association has to face a future weighed by legal actions and official procedures. I know, our minister said that the recent past of the ISM and the Association did not have a negative effect on our application. But I believe that I should be befuddled at the least to put the Hungarian application in front of the applications of Spain or Portugal which both have millions of football-lovers and outstanding football-players. I would like nobody to misunderstand me. I am keeping my fingers crossed that should the whole deciding board get drunk before the vote and vote for us unanimously. It would mean a lot to the Hungarian sporting life, in which I had spent about the third of my life.


But we are humans!


We can learn a lot from the animal world to understand the tensions of our everyday life, which strike as incomprehensible. Shall the following experiment be an example of how our habits are formed and why we have to reconsider them from time to time.

Let us take a cage with five monkeys in it. There is a banana hanging on a string in the cage. The banana in the cage can be reached only by climbing some stairs. Sooner or later one of the monkeys goes to the stairs and begins to climb for the banana. As it touches the first step, the other monkeys get a cold shower from a machinery. A bit later another tries to climb for the banana too. The result is the same for it. And it happens over again many times.

Not much later, when a monkey just attempts starting out to the stairs, the others try to cross even the attempt.

Now we can shut the water-tap off, so the banana becomes accessible without making the others wet. Still the banana stays in its place because none of them bold to attempt taking it off, or the others cross even the attempt.

One of the monkeys shall be replaced with a beginner. The new monkey notices the banana and immediately attempts climbing for it. The others naturally attack it immediately and do not let it near the stairs. When all its attempts end in failure because of the others’ attack, the new monkey scion gives up. Now we replace another old (experienced in the shower) monkey with a beginner. This newcomer attempts getting to the banana in a little while, but the other four attack him and keep it back from this. The previous newcomer also gladly participates in the attack. When the second newcomer also has given up, we shall replace the third monkey too. When it also attempts getting to the banana, of course the other four attack it too, though two of the offensive monkeys have no idea why they must not try to reach the banana.

After replacing the fourth, then the fifth monkey in the cage, none of the monkeys inside have any memories of the cold shower. They still do not try to go for the banana and they also do not let the new mates do it.

If the monkeys had been born humans then we certainly could ask ourselves why? The monkeys do not ask. The accept that it always has been this way, everybody does it this way. But people can ask. Most of them still do not ask. The communities usually receive it doubtingly if a newcomer ask about the reasons of the habits of the every days for all that. This is why we can experience that in spite of its large capital, a big enterprise cannot react upon changes so fast as a small enterprise with a few employees which is free from routine. This is why it seems so impossible to set the state bureaucracy to the requirements of the changing life. This is why it is hard to find supporters for the new things in sciences, economy, politics and culture.

Though the people may originate from monkeys but the humanity’s past, present and future is determined by its relation to changes. A lot depend on whether we keep letting those be attacked or kept back even by the means of power, who are doubtful about that it is impossible to do it better, who ask and also do something for making it better.





<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = „urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” /??>Ferenc Puskás’ burial day has been declared a day of mourning by the government. This has been announced on Friday by Emese Danks, the government spokesperson. The funeral ceremony of Ferenc Puskás will be held on the 9th of December, on Saturday at Budapest –  the Ferenc Puskás Reverence Committee announced it.  

17.11.2006. 15:21  MTI


Ferenc Puskáswas a prominent figure and an outstanding sportsman at the same time and the news of his death required the commemoration from me as well. It was obvious that the stadium, the scene of his career, had been called after him.     

Nevertheless, I feel that we have to pay attention to the values and to the people behind them. I do not think so that Ferenc Puskás as a sportsman and as a man had demanded that the government declared the day of his death to be a national day of mourning.  

My raising, besides paying my respects to the dead person, is not addressed to Ferenc Puskás. This note requires a little thinking from everybody, and from the decision makers that decisions have to be made more circumspectly and responsibly.

One has and had to think of the outstanding figures of the near past, their memories, the mourners and admirers when declaring a day to be a national day of mourning. For example, think of József Gregor, György Faludy and so many of!      

 Grand Ph.D János Palotás




It will nearly be a comedy which characterizes the Combino tram, the new sights of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = „urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” /??>Budapest. When I typed „The Combino trams have stopped” in the browse on the Internet, there were more than seventy matches! And it cost more than forty milliard!  

This is not the reason that this word occurs to me day by day! All of my writings are my private opinion as you can see on my front-page, and errors expected, but now I confirm that the feeling composed in this writing is only a feeling, opinion and not the result of pragmatism. 

I often go by a new tram, and see the leading character of the daily news while I am driving in the city. My fate willed it so that I could see the realization of more than hundred development project through from the beginnings. I have been trained for long years that I could state the time and expense necessary for the realization of a development quite precisely, even though the ideas significantly differed from the projects till then. A cabaret, played and seen many times on television when I was a little boy, returns to me while I am watching the Combino trams. The main point of the cabaret was that the wife bought an expensive armchair, which was taken to pieces in the middle of the night by the husband, who became deranged what costs so much in this armchair?! I am watching the Combino trams that “What costs nine hundred million forints per tram?” and why it was worth spending additional five milliard to rebuild the boulevard which was renewed a few years ago.             

 I was counting! Nine hundred million forints, with which even 350 passengers can travel at the same time according to the ads. Starting from the fact that five persons can travel comfortably in a car with air-condition and listening to music, then 70 cars would be needed for carrying 350 passengers in the most comfortable circumstances. It would be 13 million per car in case of 900 million forints. Therefore, outstanding Lexus cars even in the luxury category can be ensured for the passengers of the BKV. There is something really wrong here. What does it mean that the air-conditioning cost further milliards. Namely about one hundred million forint per tram.          

 One hundred million for air-conditioning the tram of 120 square meters, when the ventilation system is part of the standard version, so the one million would be for the device producing the cold air. I can make miracles happen, if the development of an air-conditioning system of a flat equivalent to the air space of a tram, including the devices and having the highest technical level, does not exceed three million forints. Of course not, if the system is provided by the Siemens, and the BKV is the customer on our money and the City Hall is the one who makes the decision and rearranges the money. Looking at the new miracle of the Siemens development, somehow I feel that this can not cost more than two hundred million forints, namely about fifth part of the purchase price even with that realization which needs the possible highest money wasting!

Not that hurts the most that according to my feeling we have been cheated out of about thirty milliard, but that is missing what we could do with these milliard, and with those milliard which have been spent with similar efficiency in our name year by year. How beautiful our town, our country would be if the money, which we pay off, was spent on us! It has been missing very much! This is a big responsibility, whose sense is missing from the majority of our decision makers! 

Meanwhile, we know from the news that the new trams of the “Combino” vehicles are still in production in the Viennese factory of Siemens Transportation Systems for the Budapest Transport Ltd. (BKV) which is having more than sixty milliard debt!

I am still waiting for the news that it will turn out in this place or abroad, at the BKV or at the Siemens or at the City Hall that an incredible professional nihility and/or bribery, corruption surrounded the “Combino” business causing a loss of milliards for us!

Grand Ph.D János Palotás




In the political line of the past years, it was easy to explain it to myself why I do not have time to deal with the events of the daily politics and the public life. The outstanding professional challenges, I had had at that time, helped this standoffishness, and these tasks work out my every days. I was about to work instead of sleeping this evening, because I have to work, and the tasks have been noteworthy since many are waiting for those economic events on which their future and prosperity depend.

Ferenc Gyurcsány - Prime Minister of Hungary 2006-2010.

At present, I still can not concentrate on my work. I am listening to the news, and following the events on the Internet, and thinking of what way the events are going on, and what would be the solution and the expectable politic behaviors.

Finding a solution in such a moment, when increasing tension describes our environment, is not to examine the responsible leaders and their acts. Of course, it does not mean that even I myself can forget the events of the past months, and the flying of the political morals. However, even I myself did not expect to those contained in Gyurcsány’s speech. The speech and its conditions have to be examined and a lesson has to be drawn from it. I tend to look favorably on that this speech did not recall the reality. Its unadvised aim was to create the atmosphere for the meeting of the MSZP leaders, and to enforce the political promotion of a governmental proposal. This aim is also false, ill-advised, and unacceptable according to my opinion. However, in normal circumstances, the morally rejectable nature of an inside political meeting does not necessarily result in endangering the whole society. Life is a big player, and people especially politicians have to take the consequences of their acts. These events have to have consequence!

My faith, my political knowledge, the democracy and the morals do not allow the Gyurcsány government to stay in their place after the speech! This is not a question of the intention! It has not been settled around the table in the smoke-filled rooms of the politicians. This government will resign. It does matter when and in what circumstances. The consequences will depend on the above mentioned.  

The political scientists are brooding over if there will be a change of power, if the Parliament will be dissolved. Will a new general election be held? Will the actual coalition fail? If only this way may be the solution, we should prepare that the country will loose a lot in the following months, years. In this case, we have to count that the coalition, which won the election, become resigned to transfer the power “arbitrarily” only in the last resort.       

There is another solution, there is a democratic solution! One may come to peaceful, definite decisions, considering also the interests of the society! I do not say it is the only solution, but I say that for example this would be such a solution which may mean the management of the situation, and may take many benefits out of it in the future. 

I confirm that my faith, my political knowledge, the democracy and the morals do not allow the Gyurcsány government to stay in their place after the speech! It is not necessary that the “downfall” of the prime minister and that of the government carry along the coalition with themselves as well. The coalition may elect a new government for the place of the out-going ministry!  

That would probably be a proposal, if the coalition offered a post for such a person, who has little banter to politics but has the confidence of the public, and that person calls upon a so-called expert government, having and knowing from its outstanding professional training.

Unfortunately, we can see the signs of inexperience in handling the ongoing social situation. I see the news, listen to the happenings and the halting speech with concern. For example, that statements of the sessions of the coalition in which it establishes a tighter bond with the prime minister and its government. With this, we are going away from the solution, we have to count on more and more damages, and it will be harder to restore the public order! I am at a loss why it has to be like this! It is an unpleasant sensation that I know many who are unable to decide personally well, and I respect and esteem a good many of them!   

Budapest, 17. September, 2006.

Grand Ph.D János Palotás

ELECTION – 2006!



/Motto: – One may vote only for something and/or someone! The depression, the negation can not be the future prospects of a society, therefore, not its’ campaign! If the number of the parties in the Parliament got ever tighter, this would not have a good influence on the development of the Hungarian democracy!/

Budapest, 18. 03. 2006.

I have such a limited opportunity to write as I spend less time at home. However, I think that I have to write my most essential thoughts, impressions about the election due to in four years even if in brief and to the point.

I have to say that unfortunately I do not have committed reference to any parties which would make it possible to vote especially for someone’s program and for the human values of its prominent persons in 2006! Of course, it does not mean that there are not such persons valued and respected by me in the four parliamentary parties, whose political role I like to support. There are persons who represent value, honorable personal features in the four parliamentary parties, based on my personal impressions, and because of my personal career. According to the overall picture and the announced programs, I can not say that any of the parties can be considered as the prepared leading political force building the future Hungary! So, in 2006 I can make a decision on my steps connected to the election according to different principles.     

Some basic principles which influence me in relation to the elections:

  1. An important achievement of the democracy is that I can go to the polls indeed and can decide freely on which program, party, or person I would like to support. As follows, I will go to the polls in 2006, as well! 
  2. However limited the possibilities are, I endeavor to vote for someone and/or something not against something!

Positive elements influencing my decision in case of party list:

  1. It would not be good if the Hungarian legislation was constricted to any of the two parties. Therefore, I am absolutely sure to vote for one of the “small parties”, and I would recommend it to my friends, as well!
  2. Those steps, situations taken by the parties since the election of 1990 have an influence on my decision. Those steps are more important which have been taken by the parties than those which should have been taken or could have been taken! All the four parties were in the position of the government and the opposition near with the same social conditions within this period!
  3. The campaign steps of the parties – their speaking, calmness – influence me as well! All of the elections after the year of 1990 had a positive message for me that the majority of the society has never supported the so-called negative campaign, even if it was the Left’s or the Right’s. Both sides have tried it and have failed so far. This fact is very hard not to be recognized, therefore, it is beyond all understandings and unexplainable for me, that these ideas acting to the depression and the negative feelings in a “campaign strategy” can be sold “without any worries” for the leaders of the political parties who wish for political and social leading role. It will happen in 2006 as well, according to my conviction, and it could be a lesson in the preparation for the election in 2010! It is not enough to have the lessons, they have to be recognized, and it is not a shame to learn from them. The “non-knowledge” of the countable reaction of the society can lead to the quick loss of a significant supporting advantage; or rather it will lead in April! In my conviction, this can be the primary reason for the “beaten” political force in the parliamentary election of 2006 as well!

Positive elements influencing my decision on choosing the individual candidate:

  1. The voter knows the smaller or bigger part of the candidates in the domicile if everything turns out well. Nevertheless it is true that the voters do not have the personal knowledge, and referring to it, they do not go to the polls. My conviction is written among the basic principles that we should go to the polls and vote for something or someone. It is obvious that the parties could do more for the sake of introducing their candidates. However, it is true that it depends on them at a certain level how predispose we are to admit the information. In many districts, the political parties – and it is their general effort as well – endeavor to put up such persons as their candidates who are more and well-known. It is true in every district that the candidates introduce themselves in one or more local forums. It depends on us whether we find time to listen to these forums.
  2. Everybody has the opportunity to read the leaflets about the candidates posted to the mail-boxes, and look at the messages on the bills along the streets at the least. Its’ time demand is minimal even for the so-called overbusy people!
  3. We can keep our principle and can decide to vote for somebody even in that case as well, if we just have a look at the pictures, name, profession, age, etc. on the leaflets of the certain candidates, and with these limited facts but choosing the most supportable  one, we can go to the polls in order to vote for somebody. This decision can be based on our first impression, and we will be happy for it or regret it later on, but it is our decision. It is sure that the first impression of one out of the 6-9 candidates per districts is positive and supportable!

Other thoughts to use our vote with responsibility:

  1. Not having enough information, it is a supportable and acceptable argument if we decide to support and vote for a political force, just because the person is a so-called well-known public person. Even if the path of life and the behavior of such persons, and the scale of values of the parties are not identical with one another, but it probably features their political scale of values, and they do not preclude one another at the least!        
  2. The given political force is described by means of which public persons they can address, win, receive, and give space to their characters!

Have a good election in 2006! See you there! Not only the consequence will be ours, but also the responsibility will primarily be attributable to us!

Grand Ph.D János Palotás




The Hungarian Parliament!

I remember that the historians were the top dogs in the first Hungarian Parliament after the political change-over. As my father is one of the most well-known history teachers in the country, so I was taught to respect history, that is why I addressed only a moderate criticism to that fact that the political change-over, our Prime Minister, J¨®zsef Antal was also a historian, who had to lead a system changing government, which had nowhere and never been tried out with the help of the poorly measured knowledge of economics. It occurred to me several times that besides all my respect, the presence of the historians was ¡°overweight¡± in comparison with the tasks waiting for us. I often felt the lack of the so-called technocrat experts.




Well, twelve years hardly passed, and I am uttering that there is not a single historian in the Hungarian Government. Only the narrow-minded people and those, who know only their own profession are in our cabinet. Nobody cries out, or talks to the Prime Minister at least below his breath that he should think of the exhibition of the National Museum opening in two hundred years. There will be the relic of one of the determinant moments of the Hungarian history, namely the document of accession of Hungary to the European Union in the center place of the signers at the moment of signing. Namely, they will be there only partly. There will be an authentic contract of accession. There will be the pictures of the signers at the moment of signing. The two original signatures of the Hungarian signers will be on the document. There will be a pen used for the signature of the former Hungarian Prime Minister. .. And the national relic belonging to the signature of the former Hungarian Foreign Minister will not be there (!) because the former Hungarian Government did not have a better idea how to assure a support of 5-10 million forints for the first Hungarian roma radio, which is worthy of the support in my opinion as well and which has financial problems!

To be honest, I hardly believed my ears when I heard the idea. I recalled the moments which had happened a thousand years ago. What would have happened, if Stephan had decided after the coronation that the crown was important, the scepter was important, so they had to be kept for the future, but the ball was not so important therefore, it could have been given away for a noble aim about that time, for example, for a horse! The contemporary chronicler¡¯s description about the gift would be in the place of the ball!



I am going to take part in the auction. I am going to buy the pen if it is possible so that it can be put its own place in the National Museum. I will go for  all that, the pen would not be sold for an unworthy price among our national treasures. I am sorry for having limited opportunities, since I can not dispose of the most significant part of my life earnings today, because it is inaccessible as long as the court of justice does not say my truth. However, the auction can not wait, it will be held in a few days! So, we shall see!  


20. May, 2003. ¨C The auction was held, and our national relic was taken!

The auction is over. The bidder, who bid the most, took our national relic for about four million forints. Today the pen started its worthy and literary making path of life. Even if the pen will not be in the glass-case, which shows our national relics, at the exhibition in two hundred years, but instead there must be a description certified by the well-known historians of the era, and it will show what had happened to the pen in the past two hundred years, who had possessed it, and how it had wandered from hand to hand, etc.

It is also possible that a good thing happened today, and the pen will be in the museum, but contrary to its ¡°partner¡±, which has been in the glass-case of the museum for two hundred years, a long and a lot more interesting story will belong to the former pen of the ¡°foreign minister¡± until a noted benefactor will not buy it back and will not give it to the National Museum!